Tuesday, June 23, 2009

{ f u n g r O O u p } B Powered Devices

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 This shirt has two fans that circulate air to keep you dry. It has a switch that allows for adjustable fan speed, and can also be powered by four AA batteries in case your USB cable just isn t long enough.

 This USB dart launcher can be aimed and launched with the included control software. Comes with three foam darts and has a range of 15 feet.

 You can choose what songs play when someone pushes the doorbell button with this USB Doorbell. It plays music in both MP3 and WMA format.

 This USB studio kit includes a professional quality recording mic with a 19mm internal shock mounted diaphragm. Also includes digital audio workstation software and a slick aluminum case.

 Contains life-like animated fish that can be fed and played with via an interactive menu. Also has a blue LED nightlight and flowing water current.

 Just plug this drum kit into your USB port and start drumming away. The sound output plays over your computers speakers.

 Instead of paying for extra batteries or for a hefty recharging station, save yourself some money and buy some USB rechargeable batteries. Just pop the top, plug them in, and there you go.

 These pedals add extra functionality to your computer interactivity. Just plug them in and you instantly have additional inputs. Right and left-click with your feet, or add a foot brake to a racing game.

 This microscope allows you to view objects up to 200x. With the included plug and play software, you can also record your viewings in still frame images or in full video.

 This USB record player has a slew of adjustable settings including pitch control and anti-skating, and also allows you to record your vinyl records in MP3 format in high speed!

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